Spring 2024 - Beeworthy buzz issue no. 9
Exciting Things Ahead…
Mother’s Day Bouquets Available for Pre-Order. Pre-Sales close May 8th!
Order online directly from us for pickup on Saturday May 11th
Maya Moon in Normal Heights
Cardiff Tiny Farm Stand
Order through The Mighty Bin for pickup all day Saturday and Sunday!
Happenings & Updates from the Farm
February - Anemones bloomed on the farm! A first for us, and we will certainly be making a come back next year three-fold! Also, Onnalee and Cat wrapped up our “Becoming the Employer of Choice” coursework. We finalized our Employee Handbook, wrote up all our SOPs, and set a culture of intentionality, courage, harmony and accountability! It feels great to be rowing in sync.
March - We planted over 300 roses on the farm AND we hired our first employee, JJ! Turns out, she’s been to design school so not only did we get a farmer, we also got another florist in training! She’s been off to a great start and we are so grateful to have her on the team!
April - Onnie was interviewed on the podcast Hands in the Soil. A not-to-miss deep dive into flowers, our practices, and why it’s important to us to redefine the image of the “struggling farmer”. Listen here. Also, we began partnering with 2 other local farms to offer their blooms to our florists.
Coastal Roots Farm who is also certified organic and across the street.
Alexa’s Homestead who is selling proteas from her property in Alpine.
In full spring bloom!
May 1st marks our 2 year anniversary at our Encinitas Farm! And we couldn’t be more grateful going into our third season! It is both exciting and a bit scary. We did a lot of work to set up systems this winter. So much so that now that things are running smoothly, we can catch ourselves wondering…can this be real, is this our job? And of course it isn’t always smooth sailing, but by using the tools of intentionality and accountability, recalibrating towards harmony is our new normal. You can learn more about our why in the recent Hands in the Soil Podcast. Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
Where to find us
Find our Wildflower Bouquets every Thursday late afternoon here:
Jimbos - Carmel Valley
Jimbos - Carlsbad
OB Peoples Coop - Ocean Beach
Find our blooms at the Cardiff Tiny Farm*:
Farm Stand open every Saturday, 9am-12pm
1475 Summit Ave.
*Mother’s Day Pickup Happening Here!
Find our Dried Everylasting Flower Arrangements here:
Plants por Favor - South Park
Origins Grocer** (formerly The Mighty Bin) - North Park
**Mother’s Day Pre-Order happening here
Looking for a florist to help with a special bouquet? Visit our regular florist customers:
Inecui - City Heights
Native Poppy - South Park and Solana Beach
Untethered Flowers - Carlsbad
Bloomers - La Jolla
We wouldn’t be where we are without all the help of our friends and community. Special thanks to these fine folks/organizations.
JJ!! Welcome to the team JJ, we love your positive energy, honesty and generosity.
The Fairshare CSA Collective for offering us the "Becoming the Employer of Choice” Course and the TEAMS training for our new empolyee.
KK and Elle from the COP (community of practice), as well as the other farmer TA providers on the Clearness Committee. Thank you for diving deep with us on our hopes, dreams and vision for the farm. It can be overwhelming to want to build all the things, but it takes courage to lean into what works best for us. Thank you for helping us see ourselves more clearly.
Native Poppy for not only buying from us every week, but coordinating back to back workshops on the farm. We had a blast!
The Master Gardeners of San Diego, thank you for coming out and touring the space.
Christine Benton for the incredible photography capturing the beauty of our farm.