Winter 2024 - Beeworthy buzz issue no. 8
Exciting Things Ahead…
We are hiring our first employee.
Applications open until Friday, February 2nd.
We are hosting a dried wreath making workshop
Saturday, February 10th - Register here!
Happenings & Updates from the Farm
September - The results are in and we placed 2nd for San Diego Readers Best Local Farm. Thank you to all those who voted. For those interested, the Carlsbad Flower Fields beat us out for 1st place. It was honor to be listed alongside JR Organics, San Diego’s first certified organic farm.
October - Fall came to the farm and with it a changing of seasons for BeeWorthy. Diana transitioned out of the business. We are grateful for her support making BeeWorthy happen. Her knowledge, heart and confidence in this business built a solid foundation for us to launch from.
November - We were surprised to see so many flowers continue to bloom on the farm, we were delivering full orders to our regular sales outlets. We had to intentionally cut back sales so we could ensure we had plenty of time to get our fall plantings in the ground.
December - We slowed way down and grounded ourselves. We completed the “Becoming the Employer of Choice” course with the FairShare CSA Collective and had meaningful conversations about our leadership styles, feedback processes, inclusion and equity, and more. We started an employee handbook and also got our crop plan started for 2024! Not to mention, we got some much needed R&R over the holidays visiting our friends, family and loved ones.
January - We had a big rain storm this month and the fields drank it up! Unlike last year when we had standing water in the farm, this year our soil is much healthier and soaked it up like a sponge! The rainy days helped us take a break from the fields and focus on administration. Our crop plan is set for the rest of the year, roses are ordered, marketing is grasped, and most excitedly, we announced a job opening for our first employee!
What’s blooming in 2024?
This year we are bringing some focus to our higher end blooms, putting Onnalee’s love, eye for detail, and dedication to its highest use! Some of our flowers require extra care and attention, and we’re committed to growing healthy plants for long-lasting blooms. Onnalee’s flowers she’s looking forward to growing most are:
Ranunculus! dahlias!! roses!!
We are investing into the farm and bringing in 7 different varieties of roses for over 200 plants! Our florists were asking for local, organic rose options and we’re excited to invest in these shrubs to deliver some gorgeous blooms to our customers! Honey Dijon, Koko Loco, Distant Drum, Golden Celebration, Princess Charlene and David Austin’s Winchester Cathedral.
We’re hiring for a production assistant
The Production Assistant will be responsible for assisting the Managers of BeeWorthy Farms with planting, care, maintenance, and harvest of approximately 1 acre of flower production. This position focuses on harvest, bed preparation, planting and crop maintenance (including weeding, trellising, and fertilizing). The Production Assistant will also support the team in greenhouse work, integrated pest management, landscaping, assisting in the floral studio, and making deliveries.
Thank you to the Farm-hers of EUSD FarmLab!!
We wouldn’t be where we are without all the help of our friends and community. Special thanks to these fine folks/organizations.
Julie for connecting us, rooting for us, and her undying support
Emily for all the hugs
Hannah for being curious and kind as the newest member of our farm-ily with EUSD FarmLab
Sienna, Audrey, Tenaya, Kendra and Jose for helping make this year happen
Special thanks to OB Peoples, Inecui & Native Poppy for such loyal support through it all
Diana for giving us space to grow
San Diego Seed Co. - Brijette for comin' through on everything seen and unseen
The FairShare CSA Collective for sharing their research and examples to help us become better farm owners
To all of the countless supporters of BeeWorthy